Friday, May 21, 2010

TNA Top 10 Contenders List

10. Samoa Joe
He is one of the most popular wrestler on the roster, and for a ranking system where the fans vote, how can he be sooo low? The former ROH and TNA World Champion deserves more than this, if it's going to be one on one at Slammiversary Joe should have been gotten the shot.

9. Rob Terry
 What the hell is even doing on this list? He doesn't even deserve to be the same list with the rest of these guys at all. The rest of these are former world champions or even recent #1 contenders or men have had title matches in other companies. This is ridiculous.

8. Desmond Wolf
The former ROH World Champ was the #1 Contender two weeks ago (fan vote) and now he's #8? How did he drop so far? Well at least he got some sort of a title match this month.

7. The Pope
 Well the #1 contender at Lockdown dropped down in the list. Not a big deal here.

6. Abyss
Ah, Hulk Hogan's latest pet project. The former NWA World Champion is on this list just because Hogan has been putting him over like crazy since January. I like him but I don't understand why he's this high or on this list at all.

5. Mr. Anderson
This is a big surprise. Does he deserve to be on this list? Yes. Did he deserve to be this high? No not at all. Maybe him and Joe can switch places. He'll get a shot eventually but hopefully not anytime soon.

4. Jeff Hardy
Well look at this. One of the fan favorites, the former WWE Champion, is on this list and deserves his spot. I hope he get a shot at the title soon, especially with RVD as champion. If that was the main event of Slammiversary, then I would make the KOTM exception and order the show.

3. AJ Styles
The man who lost the belt to RVD, the man who is a former NWA and TNA World Champion. He deserves his spot, I would actually make him #2, He needs the belt back around his waist, it's his belt, he earned it the old fashioned way and deserves it back.

2.Kurt Angle
The former Olympian, the former WWE and TNA World Champion, he's the man in wrestling. If anyone should be #1, if should be him. But it's not .Why? Because he took a month off to heal some injuries. Fine. I can deal with that I guess.

1. Sting
This pisses me off. I don't care if Sting vs. RVD is a good match on paper. He doesn't deserve it. No way in hell. He barely wrestles as it is. Then why in the hell is he the #1 contender? Come on TNA! Really? Have you not realized he's old and doesn't have it anymore? Wow, this is the dumbest thing they did since they handed Kevin Nash a title shot a few years ago for no real reason.

I agree with the fans in the Impact Zone after this was announced.
"We want recounts! We want recounts!"

As I was typing this, Kurt Angle announced that he doesn't want to be in the #2 spot and took himself off the Top 10 rankings. With that, everyone behind him moved up and the #10 spot was won by Kaz. Not sure how I feel about that one.