Friday, August 27, 2010

Big Brother-The Final Five

All season I've been wanting to write an entry about Big Brother, especially since I've been watching it all summer, but there was too many people to recap everything going on. Now it's down to the Final 5. Now it's easy to talk about. After a wild season so far, it's down to three brigade members, the lone girl and the gay guy.

Britney (HOH-1x, POV-3x)
The lone girl left. It helps that she has the safety of brigade member Lane, and doesn't even know it. Does she have a chance of winning? Yes, big time. I think if she sticks it out against the brigade members and gets to the final two she can very easily get the votes to win, especially if the brigade gets outed in the jury house. If she teams up with Ragan, TV will get very interesting, but at this point I actually can't see that happening.

Enzo (HOH-0, POV-0)
My Jersey boy. He literally has coasted all the way here, and very impressively might I add. Meow Meow, as he refers to himself, in my opinion, has no chance unless he wins something very soon. He's gotten lucky  between being apart of the brigade and having people against him on the block that the whole house hated more. But honestly he stands no real chance to win this show, even if he gets to the final two.

Lane (HOH-0, POV-0)
This guy is my favorite this season, but he also has to win something. If he can win a HOH and decides to turn on the brigade, it will be a major turning point in the game. While I don't see that happening, if he gets to the final two, he could win the game.

Hayden (HOH-2x, POV-0)
This man has been one of the most consistent players all season. He's always in the mix when it comes to competitions, he's always in the HOH's ear and always seems to stay out of the line of fire. If he sticks it out and maybe even wins one more HOH, he could win this show easily.

Ragan (HOH-0, POV-2x)
America's favorite player.  He has literally saved himself twice and single-handily figured out the brigade. If he brings that information to Britney and they could get Hayden and Enzo out, he could get to the final two. I think the only person that could stop him from winning would actually be Britney. Either way, win or lose, he will get money because he's America's boy.