EW.com today posted their list of the Top 10 Glee performances of the first seasons. Well I have my own list.
(like them I will base this on the performances on the show not the songs themselves)
10. Jessie's Girl (Finn)
This is was one of the guttiest performances of the season just because he sung to Rachel right in front of the Glee club. The song was perfect for him and was an awesome performance.
9. Beautiful (Mercedes)
This was amazing. This beat out Bust Your Windows for the high point of the season for her. It was chilling and this song coming from a girl like her, especially in a cheerleaders outfit in front of the whole school, especially as a slap to the face to Sue all at once, was amazing and what this whole show has always been about.
8. Don't Stand So Close To Me/Young Girl (Will)
Call me crazy but I love this whole performance. The songs together are fantastic and Shue dancing in front of Emma and Rachael was fantastic.
7. My Life Would Suck With You (Rachel and New Directions)
This song is always forgotten. It was the song that ended the first half of the season and it was one more entertaining. It was like they did this performance as a recap in case the show didn't get picked up. The fun part is that every time you want this performance you see something different and another crazy reference.
6. Jump (New Directions)
This was so entertaining that it can't be ignored. It was just a fun performance. Come on who wouldn't want to get paid to jump up and down on beds and sing.
5. Like A Virgin (Rachel, Jesse, Will, Emma, Finn and Santana)
This might have been the hottest three minutes of musical television I've ever seen. I've never seen a "sex" scene on broadcast television like that before, and to throw it in on Madonna night where it can be best protected, was brilliant. If you haven't seen this video, watch it, and tell me you aren't completely turned on by the end of it.
4. Imagine (Haverbrook School for the Deaf and New Directions)
This was the first time that a performance left me with chills going up and down my body. When the deaf kids started singing and signing it was cool but when New Directions started to sing with them it turned into amazing TV moment.
3. Bust a Move (Will and New Directions)
This song has been following me since the night it aired. It was the first time that the show started with an over the top performance before we even saw the title card for the show. It was also the moment when we found out how great a dancer Shue is. The entertainment value is fantastic and you listen to this and try to get it out your head after-wards.
2. Somebody to Love (New Directions)
This was the first time this show had a performance that left me and Mandy both completely speechless. From Finn opening note to Mercedes belting out the high note at the end, it was a great performance. This is the performance where you realize you really want to see these kids succeed. It's also the performance that turned the show from a normal show to a phenomenon.
1. Don't Stop Believin' (New Directions)
Tonight on the finale they are going to be re-doing this song with the whole Glee club for the first time, but there's nothing like the original. The song that started the show, the performance that had everyone singing the next day. The song that got people wanting more. There was no better this year.