Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nothing Better than Love in the Air (Glee 2/8/11)

Okay so I'm a little late with my Glee review this week. Me and Mandy were actually in the air en route to Vegas when this episode aired on Tuesday night so we didn't get to actually watch it till well today while we get through DVR catchup. That being said, it was a very fun episode. The rollercoaster of teenage love is always fun to watch and to actually have HAPPY satisifed single people in a Valentine's episode was a nice change of pace. As for the obvious romantic storylines, I gotta admit there were surprising moments and not a dull moment. So without further ado, onto the songs.

Puck-Fat Bottom Girls
This was one of the most rockin performances in this show's history. I really enjoyed it, and the twist of Puck falling for Lauren was HUGE. I think I might have found one of my new favorite perfomances of the season. A+

Artie and Mike-P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
This was a nice surprise. When I saw PYT on the playlist for this episode I got scared but the performance was so full of energy and was entertaining, which shouldn't be surprising with Mike's dancing. Artie is getting to a point where he can sing the phone book and you'd listen. Just alot of fun, especially cause these were the only two relationships (Artie/Britney and Mike/Tina) that were 100% happy this whole episode. A

The Warblers-When I Get You Alone
Live from the Gap, it's the The Warblers! First of all let me tell you that I never heard this song before this episode and I'm not even sure if I like it. #2, I felt bad for Kurt watching his crush Blaine singing to another guy. #3, I just didn't like the performance. It was fun, but at the same time going this far out of their comfort zone didn't really work. B-

Tina-My Funny Valentine
Should I count this? I mean it started off good and then wow, it was terrible. I'm aware that was the point, to over emotional, but it was uncomfortable to watch. D

One of the most overplayed songs this past year, but one of my favorites. It might actually be my crush on Katy Perry, but not the point. This song was actually really really good. It had been a while since Rachel had a major song like this to sing and to bring all the girls in at the end was just awesome. Well done. A

The Warblers-Silly Love Songs
That's more like it. This was fantastic. I love this song but haven't really heard it in a long time. It was fitting song to end this episode, and it was nice for something new to end the show. A+