Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Super Bowl comes to New York...errr...New Jersey!

When the news broke yesterday that Super Bowl XLVIII will be held at the Meadowlands, I was really excited. I also assumed that it was because they were putting on a dome on the new stadium. Not the case as I seem to find out. They are going to play this game outdoors on a cold February night. Insane? Definitely. Exciting? Oh hell yeah!

As someone who practically used to live at the Meadowlands for years, this was something I never thought I was going to say or ever going to see.

The funny part is that alot of people are angry about it because it's going to outdoors and cold. To those people I say this: Man Up!

This is how football should be played, outside in the elements. It's going to be a very special evening and probably the only time it will ever happen.

All I know is that I hope the Giants make it to the game, or even the Jets. Then it would be absolutely perfect.

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