Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WWE NXT 5/18/10

After last week's triple elimination, I was skeptical that this week's show was even going to be worth watching. Fine there would be yet ANOTHER elimination, but what else would there be?? Well I was pleasantly surprised.

First of all, I loved the fact that the pros were out on the stage all show. (But where were R-Truth and Carlito?) They actually added alot and made the show feel more legit.

Second, the Bryan Danielson-Michael Cole fight was priceless and awesome. It was needed. Again helped make the show feel real. I can't wait to see where this goes in weeks to come.

Finally the elimination of Darren Young was well done. He went out with class and style and actually showed why he deserves to be with the company down the road.

That's about it for this week's show. It was pretty much short and sweet because there wasn't alot of other notable things going out.

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