This past Tuesday was the much hyped season premiere of Glee. The award winning show that has been red hot over the last year which new storylines, new characters and apparently as updated songbook. So let's take a trip back to Tuesday night and talk about it.
New Characters:
Sunshine Corazon: Damn this girl is tiny and has a majorly powerful voice. Not sure how she would have fit into New Directions anyway so it's actually a surprising change that she is now part of Vocal Adrenaline. (their new coach Dustin Goolsby made an apperance but really didn't really do much but take Sunshine away so I can't say much on him yet.)
Sam: This was a nice changeup. Seeing Finn discover him was hysterical especially if you've seen the pilot where Shue discovered Finn. I'll get into his song a little later but overall I think he's going to be a great addition to the show.
Coach Beiste (pronounced Beast): I have a feeling I'm going to like this woman. She's a bitch but the good kind of bitch. She's tough but weak at the same time. There's no downside to having her on the show and it's nice for Sue to have a new enemy.
Empire State of Mind
I was looking forward to this performance all summer. It lived up to the hype and I really enjoyed it. Plus I really want one of those shirts. A great way to remind people this is a musical dramady. Plus it was the start of a run of songs that came out in the past couple of years which was a nice surprise.
Sunshine & Rachel-Telephone
Well if there was any doubt that Charice could sing, this showed it. This was how you use a Gaga song on this show as well. Lea was hysterical during this song, and no offense to the original, this is the first time I've actually understood all the words.
Sam & Artie-Billionaire
Mandy wanted to disown me and Claire during this performance because we were both really enjoying it. This was alot of fun and I just love this song. I also don't care what other people say, Artie rapping is awesome and he pulls it off really well.
This was amazing to watch and listen to. It's a shame I have a rule of not downloading songs that aren't sung by ND members (outside of Regionals). It was a great way to show how amazing she is and how much better VA just got.
Rachel-What I Did For Love
This might have been the best way to end this episode. It was like a perfect closing number to a musical. The lead belts out an amazing ballad, we see where everyone's decisions let them to and then set us up for the rest of season. Very well done and great way to go out.
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