This week Tough Enough finally returned to television and I couldn't be happier.
Stone Cold Steve Austin makes a very good host. He's believeable and uses his WWE celebrity to his advantage. People respect him for everything he's accomplished. But at the same time he's such a hardass.
The coaches started off well, Trish, Booker and Bill DeMott were good. Hopefully we get to see more of them in the weeks to come.
Now for the bottom three...
Michelle-The "11 year vet" who looked greener than some of the rookies on the show.
Eric-The independent wrestler who joined this show completely out of shape.
Ariane-The girl who just came on to be a diva.
I'm so happy that Stone Cold sent Ariane home. She didn't have the passion for the business that you need to make it in the industry. I doesn't matter if you are new to wrestling, you should at least learn your history before going on a show like this. She pretty much slid her fate when she said her favorite match was Melina vs. Alica Fox. I'm sorry no offense to Melina and all but that's a joke, Alica Fox should be no where near the top matches ever.
Personally I can't wait to take the time to review this show over the next 14 weeks. I get to talk about wrestling with no issues for the next 14 weeks. What more can a die hard fan ask for?
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