Normally when I write about this I would spend time talking about the show, especially since it started off with such promise with the show being about creativity. In this weeks' case about the silly video game challenge that I enjoyed and the dinner out with the Divas. But unfortunately this episode was totally marred by freak injuries. With those injuries two favorites went home and the field was suddenly down to four.
First was Martin who had a very freak injury. He was actually simply getting out of the ring and stepped down on his angle wrong and then boom he was down and in alot of pain. When he went down I was shocked. In the promos leading up they said injuries were taking a toll but I never expected it to hit the main top dog in the cast. He went to the hospital and when he returned to the gym he informed Stone Cold, the coaches and the rest of the cast that he wasn't cleared to go and had to stop with the competition. What followed was a great moment. Stone Cold took him into his office and after a talk, he told him to put his belt up on the wall, because he's not leave because he's not tough enough, he's leaving because he can't go anymore.
So after he leaves, we get into the skills challenge. It was a challenge to see how creative they could all be in the ring, the one key was that they had to perform at least one move off the top rope. Well first up where Christina and A.J. Things were going really good till Christina went to the top rope to hit a cross-body, AJ wasn't positioned right and Christina landed wrong and her knee went out. My jaw hit the ground and I was actually yelling "No! This can't be happening!" at the TV. Stone Cold and Bill were also both in shock.
As Christina was taken away in the ambulance, Stone Cold announced that the rest of the guys had the rest of the day off and there would be no other eliminations that night.
With three episodes left, and four competitors left, things should really get interesting fast especially since it almost feels like the field has been reset for the first time all season.
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